Community & Parent Resources
A Substance Abuse Guide for Parents
As a parent, you are one of the biggest influences on your child’s decision to try alcohol or other drugs. There are several effective ways to discourage your kid from trying addictive substances, and you can be the biggest source of support if your child needs help recovering from addiction.
Learn How to Speak with Your Teen
Now you never have to wonder how to talk to your kids about drugs - we make it easier for you. The TalkSooner website and app is a dynamic resource for parents and adults helping them navigate the challenges their youth face.
Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY) Data
“The Michigan Profile for Healthy Youth (MiPHY) is an online student health survey offered by the Michigan Departments of Education and Health and Human Services to support local and regional needs assessment. The MiPHY provides student results on health risk behaviors including substance use, violence, physical activity, nutrition, sexual behavior, and emotional health in grades 7, 9, and 11. The survey also measures risk and protective factors most predictive of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use and violence. MiPHY results, along with other school-reported data, will help schools make data-driven decisions to improve prevention and health promotion programming.”
Michigan Tobacco Toll
“Despite enormous progress in reducing smoking, tobacco use is still the leading cause of preventable death in the United States and imposes a terrible toll on families, businesses and government. Tobacco kills more than 480,000 people annually – more than AIDS, alcohol, car accidents, illegal drugs, murders and suicides combined. Tobacco costs the U.S. approximately $170 billion in health care expenditures and more than $150 billion in lost productivity each year.” – Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
Tobacco is not just a community problem- it’s a global problem. Click the button below to see exactly what the Toll of Tobacco in Michigan is.
Talk. They Hear You
The “Talk. They Hear You.” campaign aims to reduce underage drinking and substance use among youths under the age of 21 by providing parents and caregivers with information and resources they need to address alcohol and other drug use with their children early.