One County. One Cause.

About Us

Montcalm Prevention Collaborative is a grassroots coalition initially formed in 2009 as a collaboration between two previously existing prevention groups: Tobacco-Free Montcalm and Montcalm Coalition to Prevent Underage Drinking (MCPUD).  While the Coalition’s name has changed several times over the years, what hasn’t changed is the member’s commitment to the community.

MPC members include concerned parents, community members, business leaders, organization representatives, and youths who are committed to making a difference in Montcalm County.  The coalition is governed by a member-elected Board of Directors with the day-to-day work being overseen by a Coalition Coordinator.

Our Coalition work is currently funded through a grant from the federal Drug-Free Communities Support Program with approved work in two major areas: underage drinking and prescription drugs, and two minor areas: tobacco and marijuana.  Our primary goal is to continue to invite people, including yourself, to the table to help in building long-term coalition sustainability to continue the prevention work in Montcalm County.

About Montcalm Prevention

Montcalm Prevention Collaborative Hosts Successful Volunteer Appreciation Event

Montcalm Prevention Collaborative (MPC) recently held a Volunteer Appreciation Event with 25 attendees at Montcalm Community College, the space was graciously donated by the college. This event celebrated the invaluable contributions of our volunteers and community partners in advancing our mission to reduce youth substance misuse in a long-term and comprehensive way.

Throughout the evening, participants engaged in discussions about the coalition’s achievements over the past year, including collecting over 14,000 pounds of unwanted or unused medication, hosting harm reduction pre-prom events for Lakeview, Tri County, and Greenville high schools, and organizing three community events focused on stigma reduction and increasing compassion. MPC highlighted its ongoing efforts to inform and educate the public on substance misuse issues, featuring local keynote speakers and panel discussions that foster community dialogue.

“We are incredibly grateful for the support of our volunteers and community partners who make our work possible. Their dedication and passion are vital to our mission,” said Samantha Williams, Coordinator of MPC. “We encourage anyone interested in making a difference to consider donating their time or resources. We are always in need of volunteers, and every contribution helps us continue our efforts in Montcalm County.”

MPC operates on the Drug Free Communities federal grant, donations, and local funding, allowing them to implement various initiatives aimed at preventing youth substance misuse. The coalition invites community members to contribute financially or volunteer their time to help sustain these important programs.

Our Mission

The Collaborative’s mission is to reduce youth substance abuse throughout Montcalm County in a comprehensive and long-term manner. While its primary focus is on youth, the Collaborative is dedicated to valuing each life by creating a healthier community.

You're Invited to Join Us

If you are interested in attending a Full Coalition meeting or would like to become involved on one of our work teams, please contact the Coalition at

2025 Meeting Schedule
Member Job Description
Become a Member

Steering Council Meeting Minutes

October 2024

November 2024

Meet The Executive Board

We thank our Executive Board for the time and dedication they provide to our Collaborative so that we can keep our youth and local community healthy and safe.


John Johansen, Chair


John Kroneck, Past Chairperson

J Snyder

Cody Staup, Vice Chair from Lakeview High School


Tara Allen, Secretary Montcalm Care Network

Cario O'Conner

Cari O’Connor

MAISD Great Start Director

Jody Snyder

Jody Snyder
United Way

Meet The Coordinators

Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Collaborative. They can be reached by email at:

Jodie Faber, Coordinator

Jodie Faber, Assistant Coordinator


Samantha Williams, Coordinator